
Showing posts from June, 2015

Postcards from a Canal: 2015 GUCR race report

Postcards from a canal: The 2015 Grand Union Canal Race The Grand Union Canal Race is a 145 mile foot race from Gas Street Basin in Birmingham to Little Venice in London. It’s harder than Tough Mudder. Sunday 24th May, sometime near midnight Like distance doesn't equal rate and time no more -“The sweet part of the city”, The Hold Steady We are somewhere approaching Little Venice and everything is fcuked. The defining characteristics of how I usually gauge reality are letting me down: time, distance, place - nothing is stacking up. I'm not quite hallucinating but everything is fuzzy and indistinct. I'm desperate to look at my Garmin but I hold out, certain that my restraint will reward me. I decide that I will look once we reach whatever shape it is I can see up ahead: it must be at least 0.2 miles away I think. An eternity of strides are taken, slothful, resentful and imprecise. Rob nudges me away from the edge of the canal once again. Whatever ...